Boxing Day Sales Beauty UK

Boxing Day Beauty Sale only at OK! Beauty Box. Get the very best in Boxing Day beauty offers at OK! Beauty Box.

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“Love it, I've had several products that have now replaced a few of my standard items with the products sent. I will also be replacing my Birchbox subscription with an OK! Beauty Box one as of next month.”


“I look forward to receiving my box every month, it’s the beauty box for grown ups!


“It’s always such a surprise & thrill receiving my box. I keep the boxes too as they are such gorgeous quality! Thank you OK! beauty box my lockdown savior!” 

Jessica SC

"I am a middle aged girl who has been working all my life, never paying much attention to new beauty products. Then I saw your advert and thought ‘Why not give it a try?’ Receiving my beauty box in the post, was like being a child again, opening a lucky packet!! Oh the aromas, the textures, the gorgeous little pots, the lovely packaging!
THANK YOU OK! beauty team for putting a smile back on this old face."


“I can’t believe the amount and range of products in this box! It’s amazing! I’ve had subscriptions before that are glorified samples, not  the OK! Beauty box, it’s a sheer delight to receive!”

North East